
50 Most Popular Shapes with Their Definitions and Pictures

Shapes Names
Written by Ace Publisher

Shapes are all around us and play a significant role in art, design, architecture, and even our everyday lives. They are defined by their outlines or external boundaries and can come in various forms and sizes. They are typically made up of lines, curves, or a combination of both. We encounter them in various forms, from the natural world to the man-made objects surrounding us. Understanding the various shapes, their names, and their meanings can enhance our ability to perceive and interact with the world around us. Shapes can be categorized into various types based on the number of sides and angles they have. Here are some common types of shapes:

Geometric Shapes:

These are precise, regular shapes with well-defined boundaries and angles.

  • Circle: A round shape with the same distance from its center to every point on its boundary.
  • Square: A four-sided shape with all sides of equal length and all angles of 90 degrees.
  • Rectangle: A four-sided shape with opposite sides of equal length and all angles of 90 degrees.
  • Triangle: A three-sided shape with straight sides and three angles.
  • Polygon: a closed shape with straight sides and multiple angles, where the number of sides and angles can vary. They can have various numbers of sides and angles, such as pentagons (5 sides), hexagons (6 sides), and so on.

Organic Shapes:

These shapes are free-form and often irregular, resembling natural objects or organic forms. They lack the precise, regular characteristics of geometric shapes and are often seen in art and nature. Examples include the shape of leaves, clouds, or rocks.

2D Geometric Shapes:

2D shapes exist only in two dimensions, typically width and height. They are flat and have no depth. Common examples include circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, and polygons.

3D Geometric Shapes:

3D shapes have three dimensions: length, width, and depth. They are objects in physical space, such as cubes, spheres, pyramids, and cylinders. Unlike 2D shapes, 3D shapes have volume and can be seen from various angles. Common examples include spheres, cubes, cylinders, cones, and pyramids.

Regular vs irregular shapes:

Regular shapes are shapes that have equal sides and equal angles, and their measurements are generally easily calculable. Some common examples of regular shapes are squares, rectangles, and circles. On the other hand, irregular shapes are shapes that do not have equal sides or angles, and their measurements are harder to calculate. Irregular shapes may have odd or uneven edges. Common examples of irregular shapes include polygons such as triangles, trapezoids, and pentagons.

Open vs. closed shapes:

Shapes can be open, meaning they don’t form a closed loop, or closed, where they create a continuous boundary.

  • Open Shape: A shape with one or more sides that do not connect to form a complete boundary.
  • Closed Shape: A shape with all sides connected to create a complete boundary, often enclosing an area.

Concave vs. convex shapes:

A concave shape is like a curve that goes inward, like a bowl or a cave. It’s like there’s a dent in the shape. Think of a spoon, a crescent moon, or a cave entrance. They seem to curve away from you. On the other hand, convex shapes are the opposite of concave. These shapes have an outline that curves outward. If you draw a straight line through a convex shape, it will not intersect the curve at all or only once. Examples of convex shapes include circles, ovals, and the most common everyday objects like balls and apples.

Curved Shapes:

Curved shapes are, as the name suggests, not straight. They have smooth, rounded edges and do not have any sharp corners or angles. Examples of curved shapes include circles, ovals, spirals, and arcs.

Complex Shapes:

Complex shapes are often a combination of multiple basic shapes and may have irregular or complicated features. They can be challenging to define precisely and include designs like logos, crescents, various polygons, or complex ornaments.

List of the 50 Most Popular Shapes with Their Names Definitions and Pictures

Serial No: Shape Name


1. Circle A perfectly round shape with no corners or edges.
2. Square A four-sided shape with all sides of equal length and all angles of 90 degrees.
3. Rectangle A four-sided shape with four right angles where opposite sides are equal in length
4. Triangle A flat shape with three straight sides and three angles.
5. Cone A cone is like a triangle with a pointy top. It starts with a round base and narrows to a single tip.
6. Cylinder A cylinder is like a tube or a can—a 3D shape that is round like a circle on both ends and straight like a pole in between.
7. Semi-Circle A semi-circle is half of a circle. It looks like a half-moon.
8. oval, shapes vocabulary Oval An “oval” is a stretched-out circle. It looks like a circle, but it’s a bit longer and not perfectly round.
9. sphere, shapes vocabulary Sphere A sphere is a round 3D shape, like a ball.
10. cube, shapes vocabulary Cube A cube is a 3D shape with six equal square sides. It’s like a box.
11. Kite A “kite” is a flat shape with four sides that form a diamond, where two sides are longer than the other two.
12. arrow, shapes vocabulary Arrow An “arrow” is a pointed tool or weapon that is shot or thrown to hit a target or show a direction.
A pyramid is a three-dimensional shape with a flat base and triangular sides that meet at a single point on top. It looks like a pointy mountain.
14. cuboid, shapes vocabulary Cuboid A cuboid is like a rectangular box with six rectangular sides, where all the angles are right angles (90 degrees).
15. Trapezoid A trapezoid is a shape with four sides, where two sides are parallel and the other two sides are not.
16. Ellipse An ellipse is like a stretched-out circle, a shape that looks like an oval.
17. Pentagon A pentagon is a flat shape with five straight sides and five angles.
18. Hexagon A hexagon is a six-sided shape with straight sides and six angles.
19. Heptagon A heptagon is a shape with seven straight sides and seven angles.
20. Octagon An octagon is a shape with eight sides and eight angles.
21. Nonagon A nonagon is a shape with nine sides and nine angles.
22. Decagon A decagon is a polygon with 10 sides and 10 angles.
23. Parallelogram A parallelogram is a four-sided shape with opposite sides that are parallel and of equal length.
24. arch, shapes vocabulary Arch An “arch” is a curved shape that looks like a half-circle and helps support weight and distribute it evenly.
25. cross, shapes vocabulary
A cross is a shape formed by two lines that intersect each other at right angles.
26. hearts, shapes vocabulary Heart A “heart” shape is a symbol or design that looks like the shape of a human heart, typically with two rounded lobes at the top and a point at the bottom.
27. star, shapes vocabulary Star A star shape is a symbol with five or more pointed arms radiating from a central point, resembling a star in the sky.
28. cloud, shapes vocabulary Cloud A simple, rounded, puffy shape that resembles a cloud in the sky.
29. Crescent Moon A thin, curved shape that looks like a part of the moon, but it’s not a full circle.
30. Trefoil A trefoil is a pattern of three interlocking rings or three connected circles.
31. diamond, shapes vocabulary Diamond A four-sided figure has two pairs of opposite sides of equal length that are not parallel, forming a pointy or narrow shape.
32. leaf, shapes vocabulary Leaf The shape of a leaf is like a flat, thin, and usually green structure with a wide, flat part and a pointed or rounded end.
33. spiral, shapes vocabulary Spiral A spiral is a curving shape that goes around and around in a circle, like a spring or a snail’s shell.
34. Acute Triangle An “acute triangle” is a triangle with all three angles smaller than 90 degrees.
35. plus,, shapes vocabulary Plus It looks like a cross, with one line going vertically and another line going horizontally, making a cross or “plus” sign (+).
36. minus, shapes vocabulary Minus A “minus” shape is like a dash or a line that shows subtraction or taking something away. It means making something smaller or having less of it.
37. division, shapes vocabulary
A “division” sign or symbol, often represented as “/”, means to split or separate things into equal parts.
38. Scalene Triangle A scalene triangle is a shape with three sides of different lengths and three angles of different measures.
39. Right triangle A right triangle is a shape with three sides where one of the angles is 90 degrees (a perfect “L” shape).
40. Rhombus A rhombus is a four-sided shape with all sides of equal length and opposite angles, but its angles aren’t necessarily 90 degrees.
41. Tetrahedron A tetrahedron is a 3D shape with four triangular faces, making it look like a pyramid.
42. Dodecagon A dodecagon is a shape with twelve straight sides and twelve angles.
43. Irregular Polygon An irregular polygon is a shape with straight sides that doesn’t have all sides or angles equal.
44. teardrop, shapes vocabulary Teardrop A teardrop shape is like a raindrop, narrow at the top and round at the bottom.
45. Sun A circular drawing with rays extending outward, representing the sun.
46. Equilateral Triangle An equilateral triangle is a three-sided shape where all three sides are of equal length.
47. Octahedron An octahedron is a 3D shape with eight triangular faces.
48. Icosahedron An icosahedron is a 3D shape with 20 identical triangular faces.
An astroid is a four-pointed, star-shaped curve that resembles a tiny star or a round coin with cusp points.
50. Isosceles Triangle An isosceles triangle is a triangle with two sides of equal length.
Shapes Vocabulary

Shapes Vocabulary

So this is our compilation of the 50 most popular shapes with their names and definitions. It will be helpful for those who are looking to explore the diverse world of shapes. Whether you’re a student, artist, or simply curious about the diversity of shapes that surround us, these essential shapes provide a foundation for exploring the complex patterns and structures that shape our world.

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About the author

Ace Publisher

Nageena is a dedicated ESL blogger with a Master's degree in English. With over 3 years of experience in teaching English as a Second Language, she has developed a passion for helping learners master the language through engaging content and practical tips. Her expertise in crafting educational resources enables her to provide clear, valuable guidance that empowers students to achieve their English learning goals. When she's not writing insightful blog posts, Nageena enjoys exploring new ways to make language learning accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

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